Saturday, September 6, 2014

Summer Sunsets

So during this summer my family and I decided to go on a sunset adventure. It was mostly my mom's idea.If you want to check her pics and blog. Here it is her Ig:  

So on your first sunset hunt we got a bunch of these nice orange yellow pictures. It was so hard to get them you have to run to different spots fast. Since the sunset has a time limit.

               It was definitely worth it to run everywhere to get these amazing pictures. The view was so breath taking. This was the first sunset I saw this summer!

If you couldn't tell I enhanced my pics like crazy to make the colors more amazing and I think they came out great! Let me know what you think about them.

 This was also my first summer sunset selfie of this year. Now I'll always remember that day with this pic. The view was an amazing site. To bad you Tigers weren't their with me.

This was one of my favorite summer sunset pics. My mom actually took and edited this picture of my siblings Tiffany and Mason.

This was when the sunset just began. It wasn't as colorful as the other pictures you've seen because of that.

 I liked how the color of the amazing sunset reflected off the water. And then you can see the little town.

Yes this picture was one of my favorites I took it just looks so perfect!!

This was just a shot of the sky with the town..... 

So I hope you guys enjoyed all my sunset pictures I'll see you soon.