Sunday, September 7, 2014

DIY Gifts

So yes Tigers the holidays are coming! Because of this I decided to teach you guys how to make some cool unique cards. Since I know they can be pricy plus that person you give the card too will appreciate it a lot more than a bought card. And of course your going to need a one of a kid bag to give that person their gift so why not make one?? Lastly to top everything off you need a gift bow! Ok know I don't know about you but I would be so happy to have a handmade duct tape bow. It's so cool different and once again unique. Of course you could use any kind of paper even from a magazine to make a bow as well you don't always have to use duct tape. I hope you guys enjoyed the pictures and the DIY video. Have an amazing day!!!:)


  1. Fantastic pictures and LOVE your DIY b'day ideas! Keep up the good work with your YouTube and Blog honey! =)

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