Saturday, September 27, 2014

Best Friday

I'm taking a selfie with my friend while she's helping me vlog lol. All the cameras feeling so famous right now!

Yum this drink looks so good and healthy. My friend Fatima's dad made her a yummy fruit water cocktail.

Thank you for helping me vlog Fatima!!

I had so much fun taking all these pictures.

Now my friend Lindsay went on an adventure to go find the miniature horse at school.

Yes we found it but we had to go fast since we weren't supposed to be in front of the school. So thats why I wasn't able to get a nice picture of the horse. It was still so much fun!

Lindsay was really happy to see the miniature horse too!!:)

After school was over it was time to in the bus and go home! The clouds were amazing this Friday so I snapped away with my camera lol.

Fatima had so fun with the candy corn I try to make fangs too and it didn't work out lol major fail!

On my way home I saw these awesome clouds and took more pics!

Today was such a fun day I had so many awesome adventures! Starting off with Fatima we vloged,took photos, and enjoyed the view! Then later Lindsay and I meet a miniature horse! When I arrived on the bus home I had more fun with friends and got amazing pictures hope you all had an amazing day! This was by-fare my favorite Friday from Sophomore year Yet!