Saturday, September 27, 2014

Best Friday

I'm taking a selfie with my friend while she's helping me vlog lol. All the cameras feeling so famous right now!

Yum this drink looks so good and healthy. My friend Fatima's dad made her a yummy fruit water cocktail.

Thank you for helping me vlog Fatima!!

I had so much fun taking all these pictures.

Now my friend Lindsay went on an adventure to go find the miniature horse at school.

Yes we found it but we had to go fast since we weren't supposed to be in front of the school. So thats why I wasn't able to get a nice picture of the horse. It was still so much fun!

Lindsay was really happy to see the miniature horse too!!:)

After school was over it was time to in the bus and go home! The clouds were amazing this Friday so I snapped away with my camera lol.

Fatima had so fun with the candy corn I try to make fangs too and it didn't work out lol major fail!

On my way home I saw these awesome clouds and took more pics!

Today was such a fun day I had so many awesome adventures! Starting off with Fatima we vloged,took photos, and enjoyed the view! Then later Lindsay and I meet a miniature horse! When I arrived on the bus home I had more fun with friends and got amazing pictures hope you all had an amazing day! This was by-fare my favorite Friday from Sophomore year Yet!

Fall DIY'S

Hey guys this will be my last Fall DIY video this year. But don't be sad because Halloween DIY'S and treat videos coming soon!!:) I really like the effect the studs gave my jacket. I think it looks pretty cool and trendy. Let me know what your favorite thing I taught you guys how to make was is the comment section down below. I'll talk to you guys soon have a great rest of the day!!:)

Friday, September 19, 2014

Fall DIY'S

Ok guys yes it was time for another fall DIY! Today were going to be making fall duct tape owls to some almost Halloween type DIY'S. I'm having one more fall video next week then after that it's only going to be Halloween DIY'S! I had so much fun making everything I hope you guys will too. Also don't forget a Halloween/Fall room tour is in the works! The owls were one of my favorite DIY'S that I made let me know what your favorite one was is the comment section down below.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

DIY Fall Signs

Yes guys Fall is almost here! The sweater weather is coming so why not make some cool Fall signs? In my first Fall video this year I teach you guys how to make Fall signs without having to spend not much money at all! Have an amazing day Tigers!!!:)

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Labor Day Weekend

My Labor day weekend was nice until actual Labor day. I got sick on Labor day but I still went on and got some nice pictures! So that's why you don't see me in any of the pictures. I really like my new camera the Cannon rebel t5i. The pictures are so clear and 3d looking! The butterfly picture is my favorite. Have a great day guys!!:)

Sunday, September 7, 2014

DIY Gifts

So yes Tigers the holidays are coming! Because of this I decided to teach you guys how to make some cool unique cards. Since I know they can be pricy plus that person you give the card too will appreciate it a lot more than a bought card. And of course your going to need a one of a kid bag to give that person their gift so why not make one?? Lastly to top everything off you need a gift bow! Ok know I don't know about you but I would be so happy to have a handmade duct tape bow. It's so cool different and once again unique. Of course you could use any kind of paper even from a magazine to make a bow as well you don't always have to use duct tape. I hope you guys enjoyed the pictures and the DIY video. Have an amazing day!!!:)

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Summer Sunsets

So during this summer my family and I decided to go on a sunset adventure. It was mostly my mom's idea.If you want to check her pics and blog. Here it is her Ig:  

So on your first sunset hunt we got a bunch of these nice orange yellow pictures. It was so hard to get them you have to run to different spots fast. Since the sunset has a time limit.

               It was definitely worth it to run everywhere to get these amazing pictures. The view was so breath taking. This was the first sunset I saw this summer!

If you couldn't tell I enhanced my pics like crazy to make the colors more amazing and I think they came out great! Let me know what you think about them.

 This was also my first summer sunset selfie of this year. Now I'll always remember that day with this pic. The view was an amazing site. To bad you Tigers weren't their with me.

This was one of my favorite summer sunset pics. My mom actually took and edited this picture of my siblings Tiffany and Mason.

This was when the sunset just began. It wasn't as colorful as the other pictures you've seen because of that.

 I liked how the color of the amazing sunset reflected off the water. And then you can see the little town.

Yes this picture was one of my favorites I took it just looks so perfect!!

This was just a shot of the sky with the town..... 

So I hope you guys enjoyed all my sunset pictures I'll see you soon.