Monday, June 16, 2014

Summer Birthday

Tiffany's 7th Birthday & Birthday Party Inspiration

 Tiffany's birthday was a fun day she really liked her gifts that she got. I can't believe that she's 7 years old now. If you want to know some of the things she got watch her birthday vlog. That is the video on the top. Decorating and photo credit goes to on Instagram. Her Birthday was a tropical Hawaiian theme if you couldn’t tell. We had fun watching her open her gifts and blow out her candles on her birthday cake! I made Tiffany two types of duct tape wallets and I bought her some candies. Tiffany had a lot of fun before I know it she’s going to be 10 no that’s way too soon for that lol. I can’t wait until school’s out I’m going to be so happy and be my crazy self. I hope you all have a great rest of the day.